
Seberapa Pentingkah Puasa Sunah Senin dan Kamis?

 Puasa merupakan salah satu ibadah wajib yang harus dilakukan oleh umat muslim. Ibadah ini tidak hanya untuk menghapus dosa saja melainkan juga membantu seseorang terhindar dari godaan syahwat dunia. Dan Ibadah Puasa dikerjakan bukan hanya di bulan ramadhan saja, tetap bisa dilakukan kapan saja kecuali di hari yang diharamkan. Salah satu puasa sunah yang bisa dilakukan adalah puasa sunah Senin Kamis. Adapun keutamaan puasa senin kamis yang sayang jika dilewatkan begitu saja (islamposcom), adalah : 1. Pintu-pintu surga dibuka pada dua hari tersebut, yaitu pada hari senin dan kamis. Pada saat ini orang mukmin diampuni, kecuali dua orang mukmin yang sedang bermusuhan. Dalil dari haditsyang termaktub dalam shahih muslim dari abu hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu, bahwa Rasulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi wasalam bersabda, "Pintu-pintu surga dibuka pada hari senin dan kamis. kama semua hamba yang tidak menyekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu apapun akan diampuni dosa-dosanya, kecuali seseorang ya...

Google Adsense

8 Tips For diapprove by Google Adsense

You are tired of google adsense sign up for your blog? Actually a lot of ways we can do that we can google adsense application approved. Many are already viewing Blogpreneur tips and tricks to approve google adsense and how to apply google adsense. And also many websites google adsense account creation services that have been circulating in cyberspace. They offer techniques and also the website plus google adsense account has been approved at an affordable price.

The 8 Tips For diapprove by Google Adsense are:

  1. Make your website or blog in English
  2. Your website is created only on Blogspot, or with custom domain but with the platform     Bloggger
  3. Keep your blog or website contains more than 10 articles, and each article can kalu least 2 comments
  4. Submit your blog to Google webmaster 
  5. Do not forget to register your blog is also sitemap
  6.  Privacy Policy Create an article and put it in a place easily visible to visitors including GoogleBot
  7.  Create a new Adsense account. If you have this list of google adsense several times but still have not been received well. Your account is, to be completely new, from the email, the recipient's name and address check, telephone number, and everything associated with your account registration.
  8. Wait until there is an email reply from google adsense. Usually this confirmation email was sent two days after registration, there is also a one-day direct confirmation. But if you've been there 5 days yet there is also a confirmation email from google adsense, google adsense likely your application in tolak.Tapi normally when you have followed all the procedures or register google adsense tips above, chances are your google adsense application is accepted anyway .
Hopefully this article can help you to solve the problem of adsense.
Taken from http://depok-hacker.fav.cc and translated by http://ghandrix.blogspot.com
